Am I back to “Normal”

Okay so normal is a bit of a strange word to use, as is anyone “normal”? Many people would say I’m far from it.

What I mean by “normal” with this blog is am I back to the way I was before the depo?

Well its been 3 months now since my period’s have been regular. I have noticed something which I never thought about before the depo, I either have a heavy period and spend most of the time sleepy. On the other hand I can have a light period and get very grumpy and hate everyone and everything, one thing which is common with both is the fact I get very clumsy (saying this I am a very clumsy person).

Now my periods are regular does this mean I’m fertile? We would both hope that it is the case, however, just because I am having a period does not mean that I am necessarily releasing an egg.

So really that leaves two possibilities, firstly we wait till we can get a full fertility test done on the NHS, or we can purchase the home testing ovulation kits, as discussed before. Both have downsides, the first is not available till 2 years after the last depo injection, which means no test till March 2014! Which as we always say, why is it so long, if the depo is only meant to last 3 months?

Whereas if we go with the self testing kit, it incurs a personal cost, and does carry a certain risk that we may do it at the wrong time of the month (not seen instructions, so not sure how well the inform you of when you need to use). Plus why should we pay for something to solve a problem caused by a contraception that they say is safe for use, yet seems to have no end of problems?

I think we will wait till after Christmas and then invest in some ovulation tests, as though we are in no rush to have a baby, we want to know if it is going to be possible naturally or if we are going to need assistance. Lets hope it can all happen naturally.

Thanks for reading

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