Ginger Root Capsules


I am now 8 weeks 4 days pregnant, I have been feeling extremely sick since about 5 weeks.   I asked my midwife what she would recommend to help me feel better, lets put it this way, she was the least bit interested and didnt give me an answer, so I ended up asking a friend who has had a few children, she recommended root ginger capsules (as I really cant stand the taste of ginger!)


What is ginger root?

Ginger is native to Asia. The underground root or rhizome of the ginger plant has been used in Asian, Indian and Arabic traditions since ancient times. As well as being used as a food supplement, it has been used as a cooking spice for over 4000 years.

The active components of the ginger root are thought to be its volatile oils and pungent compounds such as gingerols and shogaols.


Today Is my 5th day of having two capsules a day (I take one in the morning and one after dinner), I have definitely felt better, not 100% but more like 60% better than I did a week ago.

They aren’t the cheapest thing to buy, however they are extremely worth the price (£8.36 a bottle), like a lot of things, I am sure if you shop around could find them cheaper.

Many thanks for reading, comments welcome!


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