How can friends not value the life of potential children???

This is a blog that have come about because of a so called friend really irritating me today!

As my regular readers will know, me and my partner are wanting to have a child, and due to a variety of circumstances we believe that it won’t be as easy as it could be.

So for someone I know to come up to me yesterday, with a pregnancy test, and said luckily I didn’t need this, as just started my period. But if I had, then I would have had an abortion, as its my body and I don’t want a child!

I really was in shock as to what to say… firstly if you really don’t want children then use protection, its not expensive and can be obtained free on the NHS. Secondly does she not know how sacred that life that she would have in her is? Yes I know that I am biased, but any child we conceive will be treasured and valued as a priceless life that we will be so happy to bring into the world!

I know that I not everyone will agree, but abortion is murder, as it is the end of a life… is it not? Granted there are occasions when having the baby would cause emotional hurt, such as a pregnancy after rape. However, I am a firm believer, and going to sound like Jeremy Kyle, if you don’t want a child use protection!

As there are so many people who can’t have children, or even like a friend has recently, their baby died after 5 days, due to complications. Is it fair to these people, for those who can have children, to throw away their lives so easily and care free?

I know that this a blog, that may well polarise our readers, but I was so cross and angry with this person, that I needed to vent it on here.

As always comments and opinions are welcome.