Am I back to “Normal”

Okay so normal is a bit of a strange word to use, as is anyone “normal”? Many people would say I’m far from it.

What I mean by “normal” with this blog is am I back to the way I was before the depo?

Well its been 3 months now since my period’s have been regular. I have noticed something which I never thought about before the depo, I either have a heavy period and spend most of the time sleepy. On the other hand I can have a light period and get very grumpy and hate everyone and everything, one thing which is common with both is the fact I get very clumsy (saying this I am a very clumsy person).

Now my periods are regular does this mean I’m fertile? We would both hope that it is the case, however, just because I am having a period does not mean that I am necessarily releasing an egg.

So really that leaves two possibilities, firstly we wait till we can get a full fertility test done on the NHS, or we can purchase the home testing ovulation kits, as discussed before. Both have downsides, the first is not available till 2 years after the last depo injection, which means no test till March 2014! Which as we always say, why is it so long, if the depo is only meant to last 3 months?

Whereas if we go with the self testing kit, it incurs a personal cost, and does carry a certain risk that we may do it at the wrong time of the month (not seen instructions, so not sure how well the inform you of when you need to use). Plus why should we pay for something to solve a problem caused by a contraception that they say is safe for use, yet seems to have no end of problems?

I think we will wait till after Christmas and then invest in some ovulation tests, as though we are in no rush to have a baby, we want to know if it is going to be possible naturally or if we are going to need assistance. Lets hope it can all happen naturally.

Thanks for reading

So why do I have to wait so long?

Today I was at the doctors, for something unrelated to pregnancy, unfortunately. Anyway, as I was there, I thought that I would ask the doctor, when we would be able to be tested regarding mine and my partners fertility. She informed me that it would be 1 year after the 1 year it takes for the Depo-Provera injection to get out of your system. So that is 2 years after you finish the depo. Although hopefully I will be pregnant within 2 years this seems like a very long time.

I understand the reasoning (to a point), that it means people don’t finish the depo and immediately want to know if they are fertile. However if your body has returned to normal (normal periods) then why do you still have to wait for this 2 year point. Shouldn’t it be like a year  after they have returned to your normal pattern? And why do you have to have a year of trying, as be it by luck or planning, I am sure that within 6 months 99% of couples will have sex while she is ovulating at least once.

And yes there are testing kits that you can buy (as mentioned in previous blog: Fertility Tests) to monitor and plan when you are ovulating, but should I really have to pay for this, when there is an option available for free from the NHS.

Also, and I think that I have said about this before, but if the Depo injection does not leave your body for one year, then why do you have to have an injection every 3 months and not once a year??? And I know of a friend, who got pregnant while having the depo every 3 months as prescribed, so really I don’t think they actually know how long it will affect different people, but should it really be a widely used contraceptive if this is the case??? I often wonder this, and can find no suitably adequate answer either on the internet or from medical professionals.

So now its a case of waiting with fingers crossed, hoping that I am fortunate enough to fall pregnant within the next year and a half, before we are allowed to have tests on the NHS, to make sure that we are able to have children naturally.

How can friends not value the life of potential children???

This is a blog that have come about because of a so called friend really irritating me today!

As my regular readers will know, me and my partner are wanting to have a child, and due to a variety of circumstances we believe that it won’t be as easy as it could be.

So for someone I know to come up to me yesterday, with a pregnancy test, and said luckily I didn’t need this, as just started my period. But if I had, then I would have had an abortion, as its my body and I don’t want a child!

I really was in shock as to what to say… firstly if you really don’t want children then use protection, its not expensive and can be obtained free on the NHS. Secondly does she not know how sacred that life that she would have in her is? Yes I know that I am biased, but any child we conceive will be treasured and valued as a priceless life that we will be so happy to bring into the world!

I know that I not everyone will agree, but abortion is murder, as it is the end of a life… is it not? Granted there are occasions when having the baby would cause emotional hurt, such as a pregnancy after rape. However, I am a firm believer, and going to sound like Jeremy Kyle, if you don’t want a child use protection!

As there are so many people who can’t have children, or even like a friend has recently, their baby died after 5 days, due to complications. Is it fair to these people, for those who can have children, to throw away their lives so easily and care free?

I know that this a blog, that may well polarise our readers, but I was so cross and angry with this person, that I needed to vent it on here.

As always comments and opinions are welcome.


Why should I pay for Sanitary Towels???

I have always had this grumble, why should us females have to pay for sanitary towels/tampons whatever you use. However, my feeling of irritation have grown since coming off the depo, as I am now bleeding for 90% of each month, so am going through about 5 or more packs a month. Which had been very expensive, as each pack is about £3 each. However, I have recently discovered that Poundland sells exactly the same thing, but for a not suprising £1 price tag.

Yes I know that I chose to have the depo, and one of the side effects is irregular periods. Whether its me misunderstanding but that suggest periods may not be monthly, either not happening or be several times a month, but to be bleeding for all but a week of the month, is a little bit more than irregular periods. So should the company that produce the depo injection not foot the bill, or should they be available on the nhs like condoms are?

I do understand that this is to encourage safe sex, and reduce the transmission of STDs, but ultimately it is for something fun. Periods are anything but, and are in no way through choice, so why should females have to pay for these when men get things to make having fun safe for free?

Or should Always decrease their prices? Or are they in colusion with the depo people and share the profits…

ps I am currently on again, hence me writing this current grumble. lol 🙂